The Fred Fish Memorial Award
The Fred Fish Memorial Award was created in honor of Fred Fish, W5FF (SK), who was the first amateur to have worked and confirmed all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on 6 Meters. The award will be given to any amateur who can duplicate W5FF's accomplishment.
Thomas Johnson, WD5K earns FFMA #5
Thomas Johnson, WD5K of Dallas, TX has been awarded the fifth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Tom submitted his last-needed grid, CN77 via Logbook Of The World and his application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 28, 2011. -
Pat Rose, W5OZI earns FFMA #2
Llewellyn "Pat" Rose, W5OZI of Junction, TX, is the recipient of FFMA #2, the first Amateur to duplicate the feat of the late Fred Fish, W5FF. The QSL for his last-needed grid, CM79 in California, was received and approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on Thursday, July 8, 2010. -
Rick Roderick, K5UR earns FFMA #3
ARRL First Vice President Rick Roderick, K5UR of Little Rock, AR is the third person to receive the ARRL's Fred Fish Memorial Award. Roderick submitted his last-needed grid (FN57) and the QSL was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on Friday, July 30, 2010. -
Mark Ammann, KMØA earns FFMA #4
Mark Ammann, KMØA of Florissant, MO, has been awarded the fourth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Mark supplied the QSL for his last-needed grid, CM93, and it was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 29, 2011. -
Thomas Johnson, WD5K earns FFMA #5
Thomas Johnson, WD5K of Dallas, TX has been awarded the fifth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Tom submitted his last-needed grid, CN77 via Logbook Of The World and his application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 28, 2011. -
Pat Rose, W5OZI earns FFMA #2
Llewellyn "Pat" Rose, W5OZI of Junction, TX, is the recipient of FFMA #2, the first Amateur to duplicate the feat of the late Fred Fish, W5FF. The QSL for his last-needed grid, CM79 in California, was received and approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on Thursday, July 8, 2010.
Bill Ockert, NDØB, earns FFMA #10
Bill Ockert, NDØB, of Cathay, ND, has been awarded the tenth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Bill submitted his last-needed grid, CM93 via Logbook of The World, and and his application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 10, 2020. -
Larry Lambert, NØLL earns FFMA #6
Larry Lambert, NØLL, of Smith Center, KS, has been awarded the sixth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Larry supplied the QSL for his last-needed grid, FN67, and it was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on October 12, 2015. -
Lance Collister, W7GJ earns FFMA #7
Lance Collister, W7GJ, of Frenchtown, MT, has been awarded the seventh Fred Fish Memorial Award. Lance supplied the QSL for his last-needed grid, FN67, and it was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on October 13, 2015. -
Scott Armstrong, AA5AM earns FFMA #8
Scott Armstrong, AA5AM, of Blue Ridge, TX, has been awarded the eighth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Scott supplied the QSL for his last-needed grid, CN81, and it was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 10, 2019. -
Ralph Smith, W4UDH earns FFMA #9
Ralph Smith, W4UDH, of Brandon, MS, has been awarded the ninth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Ralph supplied the QSL for his last-needed grid, DN24, and it was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 17, 2019. -
Bill Ockert, NDØB, earns FFMA #10
Bill Ockert, NDØB, of Cathay, ND, has been awarded the tenth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Bill submitted his last-needed grid, CM93 via Logbook of The World, and and his application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 10, 2020. -
Larry Lambert, NØLL earns FFMA #6
Larry Lambert, NØLL, of Smith Center, KS, has been awarded the sixth Fred Fish Memorial Award. Larry supplied the QSL for his last-needed grid, FN67, and it was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on October 12, 2015.
Jeff Martin, K5WE, earns FFMA #15
Jeff Martin, K5WE, has been awarded FFMA #15. His last grid was FN57. Jeff's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 15, 2021. -
Joseph Fleagle, WØFY, earns FFMA # 11
Joseph Fleagle, WØFY, has been awarded FFMA # 11. His last grid was CM93. Joe's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 25, 2020. -
Craig A. Thompson, K9CT, earns FFMA #12
Craig A. Thompson, K9CT, has been awarded FFMA #12. His last grid was DM02. Craig's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 9, 2020. -
Paul Kiesel, K7CW, earns FFMA #13
Paul Kiesel, K7CW, has been awarded FFMA #13. His last grid was EN48. Paul's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 1, 2021. -
Roger Schneider, W9FF, earns FFMA #14
Roger Schneider, W9FF, has been awarded FFMA #14. His last grid was CM79. Roger's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 8, 2021. -
Jeff Martin, K5WE, earns FFMA #15
Jeff Martin, K5WE, has been awarded FFMA #15. His last grid was FN57. Jeff's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 15, 2021. -
Joseph Fleagle, WØFY, earns FFMA # 11
Joseph Fleagle, WØFY, has been awarded FFMA # 11. His last grid was CM93. Joe's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 25, 2020.
Greg Clausen, WØLGQ, earns FFMMA #20
Greg Clausen, WØLGQ, has been awarded FFMA #20. His last grid was FN66. Greg's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 7, 2021. -
Keith "Jay" Morehouse, W9RM, earns FFMA #16
Keith "Jay" Morehouse, W9RM, has been awarded FFMA #16. His last grid was FN66. Jay's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 25, 2021. -
Mark McMillan, W7MEM, earns FFMA #17
Mark McMillan, W7MEM, has been awarded FFMA #17. His last grid was DL89. Mark's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 25, 2021. -
Brad Fuller, WQ5S, earns FFMA #18
Brad Fuller, WQ5S, has been awarded FFMA #18. His last grid was FN57. Brad's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 29, 2021. -
Jay T. Hainline, KA9CFD, earns FFMA #19
Jay T. Hainline, KA9CFD, has been awarded FFMA #19. His last grid was DM08. Jay's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 29, 2021. -
Greg Clausen, WØLGQ, earns FFMMA #20
Greg Clausen, WØLGQ, has been awarded FFMA #20. His last grid was FN66. Greg's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 7, 2021. -
Keith "Jay" Morehouse, W9RM, earns FFMA #16
Keith "Jay" Morehouse, W9RM, has been awarded FFMA #16. His last grid was FN66. Jay's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on June 25, 2021.
James Spence, KO9A, earns FFMA #23
James M. Spence, KO9A, been awarded FFMA #23. His last grid was DN16. Jim's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 27, 2021. -
John Feltz, W9JN, earns FFMA #21
John E. Feltz, W9JN, has been awarded FFMA #21. John's last grid was DM46. His application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 8, 2021. -
John Vugteveen, W7KNT, earns FFMA #22
John D. Vugteveen, W7KNT, has been awarded FFMA #22. John's last grid was FM13. His application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 20, 2021. -
James Spence, KO9A, earns FFMA #23
James M. Spence, KO9A, been awarded FFMA #23. His last grid was DN16. Jim's application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 27, 2021. -
John Feltz, W9JN, earns FFMA #21
John E. Feltz, W9JN, has been awarded FFMA #21. John's last grid was DM46. His application was approved by the ARRL Awards Branch on July 8, 2021.
The Fred Fish Memorial Award was created in honor of Fred Fish, W5FF (SK), who is the first amateur to have worked and confirmed all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on 6 Meters. The award will be given to any amateur who can duplicate W5FF's accomplishment.
This award also encourages operation on the VHF bands from rare grid squares (known as Grid DXpedtitions) to help activate all 488 grids. For a list of which grids are considered rare, please follow the link to the Most Wanted Grids Survey on this page.
The rules of FFMA closely follow the VUCC rules. Please read the rules carefully.
FFMA Leader Board - Most Wanted Grids etc - are maintained courtesy Ed Sershon, N7PHY - contact: n7phy_radio@comcast.net
Questions about the FFMA may be directed to ARRL Radiosport Manager: Bart Jahnke, W9JJ (w9jj@arrl.org)
The 488 Required Grid Squares+
The following is the list of all 488 grid squares that must be confirmed on 6 meters to qualify for the FFMA:
CM FIELD: 12 grid squares
CM86 - CM89
CM93 - CM99
CN FIELD: 27 grid squares
CN70 - CN78
CN80 - CN88
CN90 - CN98
DL FIELD 5 grid squares
DL88 - DL89
DL98 - DL99
DM FIELD: 90 grid squares
DM02 - DM09
DM12 - DM19
DM22 - DM29
DM31 - DM39
DM41 - DM49
DM51 - DM59
DM61 - DM99
DN FIELD: 90 grid squares
DN00 - DN08
DN10 - DN18
DN20 - DN28
DN30 - DN38
DN40 - DN48
DN50 - DN58
DN60 - DN68
DN70 - DN78
DN80 - DN88
DN90 - DN98
EL FIELD: 27 grid squares
EL06 - EL09
EL15 - EL19
EL28 - EL29
EL58 – EL59
EL86 - EL89
EL94 - EL99
EM FIELD: 100 grid squares
EM00 - EM99
EN FIELD: 80 grid squares
EN00 - EN08
EN10 - EN18
EN20 - EN29
EN30 - EN38
EN40 - EN48
EN50 - EN58
EN60 - EN67
EN70 - EN76
EN80 - EN86
EN90 - EN92
FM FIELD: 20 grid squares
FM02 - FM09
FM13 - FM19
FM25 - FM29
FN FIELD: 37 grid squares
FN00 - FN03
FN10 - FN14
FN20 - FN25
FN30 - FN35
FN41 - FN46
FN53 - FN57
FN64 - FN67
1. Overview. The Fred Fish Memorial Award (FFMA) is awarded for confirming contact with all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on the 6 meter (50 MHz) band. Grid locators are designated by a combination of two letters and two numbers. More information on grid locators can be found in January 1983 QST, pp 49-51 (reprint available upon request. Send a 9 × 12-inch SASE with 3 units of postage). The ARRL World Grid Locator Atlas and the ARRL Grid Locator for North America are available from the ARRL Publication Sales Department.
The FFMA award is available to all amateurs worldwide; however, ARRL membership is required for hams in the US, its possessions and Puerto Rico.
2. Dates. Only those contacts dated January 1, 1983 or later are creditable for FFMA purposes.
3. Endorsements. The FFMA does not offer any endorsements based on specific modes, nor does it offer any recognition of progress towards the end goal. An Amateur does not qualify for the FFMA until all 488 required grids are confirmed.
4. General Rules
(a) No contacts through active repeaters or satellites are permitted.
(b) Contacts with aeronautical mobiles (in the air) do NOT count.
(c) Any portion of an FFMA grid may be worked for FFMA credit. It is not necessary for an FFMA operation to be on US soil; operations from Canadian or Mexican territory or from water within an FFMA-required grid are acceptable.
(d) Stations who claim to operate from more than one grid locator simultaneously (i.e., from the boundary between two grid locators or from the intersection of four grid locators) must be physically present in all locators to give multiple locator credit with a single contact. These stations should be prepared to validate their claim. For a mobile station, this means parking the vehicle exactly on the line or corner. For a portable station, this means that the total area occupied by the station's physical setup, including operating position(s), power source(s), and antenna(s), must occupy some portion of each of the two/four grid squares simultaneously. Operators of boundary/corner stations should be prepared to provide evidence of meeting the simultaneous occupation test if called upon to do so. Two photographs -- one showing the placement of the GPS receiver in the station setup, and a close-up legibly showing the GPS reading -- are typically needed as evidence of compliance. Video footage showing an overview of the operating site and then, uncut and in real time, zooming in on the GPS display coordinates is even better.
(e) Grid boundary lines and grid corners must be established using a GPS receiver whose map datum is set to WGS84, the global default for current GPS receivers. The GPS receiver should be set to use WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) if so equipped, since this improves the error figure to as little as 5 feet. In no case may the GPS receiver show an error figure in excess of 20 feet. Any modern GPS receiver equipped with WAAS will easily meet this requirement, as will most older units without WAAS.
(f). Each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact. Initiation of a contact may be either locally or by remote.
5. Applicant's Operating Location. All contacts applied to an applicant’s FFMA award must be made by the applicant from locations no more than 200km apart.
6. Application Procedure (please follow carefully):
(a) Confirmations (QSLs) and application forms must be submitted to an approved VHF Awards Manager for certification. ARRL Special Services Clubs appoint VHF Awards Managers whose names are on file at HQ. If you do not know of an awards manager in your area, HQ will give you the name of the closest manager. (Also located on the Web at: http:\\www.arrl.org/awards/vucc.) Foreign VUCC applications should be checked by the Awards Manager for their IARU Member Society in their respective country. Do not send cards to HQ, unless asked to do so.
(b) For the convenience of the Awards Manager in checking cards, applicants may indicate in pencil (pencil ONLY) the grid locator on the address side of the cards that DO NOT clearly indicate the grid locator. The applicant affirms that he/she has accurately determined the proper location from the address information given on the card by signing the affirmation statement on the application.
(c) Cards must be sorted:
(1) Alphabetically by field
(2) Numerically from 00 to 99 within that field
(d) Where it is necessary to mail cards for certification, sufficient postage for proper return of all cards and paperwork, in addition to appropriate fees as noted in #8, must be included along with a separate self-addressed mailing label. ARRL accepts no responsibility for cards handled by mail to and from VHF Awards Managers and will not honor any claims.
(e) A numbered plaque will be awarded to each person who qualifies for the FFMA.
7. Fees. There is no fee for the FFMA Award; however, ARRL membership is required for hams in the US, its possessions and Puerto Rico to apply.
8. Disqualification.
(a) Altered/forged confirmations or fraudulent applications submitted may result in disqualification of the applicant from FFMA and VUCC participation by action of the ARRL Awards Committee.
(b) The applicant affirms he/she has abided by all the rules of membership in the FFMA program and agrees to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee.
9. Rules Decisions. Decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee regarding interpretation of the rules here printed or later amended shall be final.
10. Operating Ethics. Fair play and good sportsmanship in operating are required of all FFMA members.
Official ARRL FFMA Confirmed totals (Updated Daily)+
This is a status of all FFMA grids officially confirmed by the ARRL Awards Branch. this list is updated automatically every day.
FFMA is the second list from the top.
Courtesy Ed Sershon, N7PHY. Contact: n7phy_radio@comcast.net
There are TABs at bottom for "Leader Board" - "Most Needed Map" - "Grid Data" - "Leader Maps" - "Rover Activation Tools" - "Inactives" - "Change Log"
FFMA Grid Tracker Map by NZ3M+
The FFMA Grid Tracker Map spreadsheet was developed by Dave Clouser, NZ3M, and is available here at arrl.org with his permission.
All required FFMA grids are listed in a drop-down menu by grid field (CM, CN, DN, etc). Manually enter your worked and confirmed grids, and the spreadsheet will automatically keep track of your grid totals. The spreadsheet will even display your totals in a color-coded map. Manually update your spreadsheet when you work a new grid.
Latest version: 2.1 (February 28, 2011)
Online Grid Tracker by Johan Reinalda, WG7J+
WG7J has created a web application that allows you to upload an ADIF log and have it filtered by band. It will show you grids worked and confirmed based on the uploaded data.
Go Now -
FFMA # Call Name QTH Last Grid Award Date 1 W5FF (SK) Fred Fish DM64 (NM) FN64 2008-Oct-25* 2 W5OZI Pat Rose EM00 (TX) CM79 2010-Jul-08 3 K5UR Rick Roderick EM35 (AR) FN57 2010-Jul-29 4 KMØA Mark Ammann EM48 (MO) CM93 2011-Jun-29 5 WD5K Thomas Johnson EM12 (TX) CN77 2011-Jul-28 6 NØLL Larry Lambert EM09 (KS) FN67 2015-Oct-12 7 W7GJ Lance Collister DN27 (MT) FN67 2015-Oct-13 8 AA5AM Scott Armstrong EM13 (TX) CN81 2019-Jul-10 9 W4UDH Ralph Smith EM52 (MS) DN24 2019-Jul-17 10 NDØB Bill Ockert EN07 (ND) CM93 2020-Jun-10 11 WØFY Joseph Fleagle EM48 (MO) CM93 2020-Jun-25 12 K9CT Craig A. Thompson EN50 (IL) DM02 2020-Jul-09 13 K7CW Paul Kiesel CN87 (WA) EN48 2021-Jun-01 14 W9FF Roger Schneider EN40 (IL) CM79 2021-Jun-08 15 K5WE Jeff Martin EM25 (OK) FN57 2021-Jun-15 16 W9RM Keith "Jay" Morehouse DM58 (CO) FN66 2021-Jun-25 17 W7MEM Mark McMillan DN17 (ID) DL89 2021-Jun-25 18 WQ5S Brad Fuller EM13 (TX) FN57 2021-Jun-29 19 KA9CFD Jay T. Hainline EN40 (IL) DM08 2021-Jun-29 20 WØLGQ Greg Clausen EN21 (IA) FN66 2021-Jul-07 21 W9JN John E. Feltz EN54 (WI) DM46 2021-Jul-08 22 W7KNT John D. Vugteveen DN26 (MT) FM13 2021-Jul-20 23 KO9A James M. Spence EN52 (IL) DN16 2021-Jul-27 24 KØGU James "Jay" Kesterson DN70 (CO) EM06 2021-Sep-04 25 AI5I Bill Junor DM65 (NM) DM71 2021-Sep-21 26 W5AFY Dan L. Osborne EM04 (TX) DM77 2021-Oct-21 27 WS9V James Riba EM59 (IL) DN24 2022-Jan-18 28 AAØMZ James G. Klingler EM29 (KS) CN93 2022-May-19 29 NØLWF Lyle Fisher EN10 (NE) CN71 2022-Jun-09 30 KR7O Robert Brown DM07 (CA) EN15 2022-Jun-11 31 AA7A Ned Stearns DM43 (AZ) FN45 2022-Jun-22 32 W5KI Steve Norris EM36 (AZ) EL84 2022-Jun-24 33 N6JV Norman Wilson CM98 (CA) EL84 2022-Jun-27 34 K4PI Mike Greenway EM73 (GA) DM47 2022-Jul-06 35 N3XX Timothy Heger EM73 (GA) DN68 2022-Jul-08 36 K5RK Larry Burke EL29 (TX) DN02 2022-Jul-18 37 N5DG Ed Stallman EM20 (TX) DN02 2022-Jul-26 38 N1AV Jay Baack DM43 (AZ) EL58 2022-Jul-26 39 KA9FOX Scott E. Neader EN43 (WI) EL58 2022-Jul-26 40 W5ADD Parker Dinkins EM40 (LA) CM79 2022-Nov-04 41 N9LB Lloyd Berg EN52 (WI) CN76 2023-Jun-02 42 NØTB Tim Blank EN34 (MN) DN47 2023-Jun-05 43 W7JW Jeffrey Wheeler EN82 (MI) DM53 2023-Jun-14 44 N3SL Steve Larson EN12 (IA) DN87 2023-Jun-20 45 KG5CCI David Swanson EM36 (AR) DN05 2023-Jul-06 46 KD5M Edward Seeliger EM60 (FL) DN67 2023-Jul-07 47 KV5W Francis Inman EM22 (TX) CM97 2023-Jul-09 48 N5OMG Daniel Cristina Sr EL49 (LA) DN57 2023-Jul-11 49 W3CP Bryan Dunn EM74 (GA) DN02 2023-Jul-14 50 N9UM Mark Thomas EN52 (IL) CN91 2023-Jul-14 51 K1TOL Lefty Clement FN44 (ME) DM02 2023-Jul-20 52 WØJW John Fickes EN31 (IA) DN87 2023-Jul-20 53 K4XO Jimmy McLean EM55 (TN) DM40 2024-Jul-01 54 AA5C Gregory C Mc Intire EM13 (TX) CM79 2024-Jul-21 55 K8SIX Albert L Bailey EN82 (MI) DM70 2024-Jul-22 56 W5AJ Robert Wood DM82 (TX) DN53 2024-Jul-23 57 W9XX Bruce Broder EN63 (WI) DL88 2024-Aug-12 *awarded posthumously