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  • FFMA Overview-

    The Fred Fish Memorial Award was created in honor of Fred Fish, W5FF (SK), who is the first amateur to have worked and confirmed all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on 6 Meters. The award will be given to any amateur who can duplicate W5FF's accomplishment.

    This award also encourages operation on the VHF bands from rare grid squares (known as Grid DXpedtitions) to help activate all 488 grids. For a list of which grids are considered rare, please follow the link to the Most Wanted Grids Survey on this page.

    The rules of FFMA closely follow the VUCC rules. Please read the rules carefully.


    FFMA Leader Board - Most Wanted Grids etc - are maintained courtesy Ed Sershon, N7PHY - contact:

    Questions about the FFMA may be directed to ARRL Radiosport Manager: Bart Jahnke, W9JJ (

  • FFMA QST Announcement+

  • The 488 Required Grid Squares+

  • FFMA Rules+

  • Official ARRL FFMA Confirmed totals (Updated Daily)+

  • FFMA Leader Board +

  • FFMA Grid Tracker Map by NZ3M+

  • Online Grid Tracker by Johan Reinalda, WG7J+

  • FFMA Recipients+

  • FFMA Application Forms+


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