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Colvin Award Grants


Colvin Award

Terms of Reference

The Colvin Award is funded by an endowment established by Lloyd D. Colvin, W6KG (SK).  Approximately $6,000 in annual investment income is available.

Consistent with Mr. Colvin’s wishes and with the policies of the ARRL Board, the Colvin Award is conferred in the form of grants in support of Amateur Radio projects that promote international goodwill in the field of DX.  To minimize overhead costs and the time required to review applications, the Grants Committee consists of senior members of the ARRL Headquarters staff located in Newington, Connecticut [at this time the Radiosport Manager, CEO and Editor of QST].


Grants are made only in response to applications that meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be groups (i.e., not individuals), with a favorable track record in the field of DX and with experience that is directly related to the project being proposed.
  • The proposed project must have as a goal a significant achievement in the field of DX.
  • The application must include a financial plan showing all anticipated expenses and sources of funding.
  • The applicants must include an acceptable plan for appropriate reimbursement of funds in such case that the project cannot be completed as proposed.
  • The applicants must agree to provide the ARRL with an electronic copy, in a format specified by the ARRL, of all logs of Amateur Radio contacts made in the course of the project, and must agree to permit the ARRL to use these logs to verify the contacts.
  • The applicants must further agree to allow the ARRL to enter the log into Logbook of the World no later than one year following the end of the project.
  • If Amateur Radio operation from an inhabited location is envisioned, the application must show how the project will enhance the condition of Amateur Radio in that location.
  • The applicants must agree to comply with all DXCC rules.  If applicable, the application must demonstrate how compliance with Rule 7 (licensing) will be accomplished.
  • The applicants must agree in writing to hold harmless and indemnify the League from any claim which may arise in connection with any actions they may take. [The text of the required statement will be supplied by the League.]
  • Grant applications will be considered from groups seeking support for a project that has already taken place, if it meets the above criteria.
  • Preference will be given to multi-national groups of radio amateurs, all of whom are members in good standing of their own national IARU member-societies.


Appropriate credit to the ARRL and the Colvin Award shall be given on the QSL card and in publicity about the project.

Grant applications should be submitted to:
Colvin Award Grants Committee
American Radio Relay League, Inc.
225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 USA

Phone: (860)-594-0230
FAX: (860) 594-0259




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