Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) Hands Off Amateur Radio Exam and Call Sign Management
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) is turning over Amateur Radio exam provision and call sign management to a new provider. WIA reports that telecommunications regulator ACMA has selected the University of Tasmania and Australian Maritime College (AMC) to take over as the preferred provider for the delivery of Amateur Radio examination, call sign management, and associated services. The WIA said it would assist in the transition.
“It is the view of the WIA Board and the WIA Education Group that anything other than a smooth transition to the AMC will damage the already fragile Amateur Radio community,” the WIA said in a statement.
The WIA and the ACMA met last October to begin planning for this potential eventuality. The WIA National Office is in the process of transferring all call sign applications, assessments and other activities that were in progress as of February 1 to ACMA.
The WIA thanked its volunteers, assessors, and instructors who were involved in the previous examination systems over the past 20+ years. “There will be changes and uncertainty in the near term,” WIA said.
The ACMA has indicated that services would not be delivered in full until late February and that the ACMA would undertake some functions in the interim.