W1AW Seeking West Coast Qualifying Run Volunteer Station
Maxim Memorial Station W1AW is seeking a volunteer station located on the US West Coast that can serve as another ARRL Qualifying Run CW transmitting station. The west-coast station shares in the transmission of a monthly Qualifying Run for the benefit of those on the west coast.
The minimum requirements are:
- Ability to transmit a good, high-quality, stable, high-power (at least 1 kW) CW signal on 80 meters (The west coast code proficiency run frequency is 3,590 kHz.)
- Windows 7 (or higher) PC with USB 2 or higher
- Semi-flexible schedule (most transmissions take place during the evening)
Text groups would be sent in 5 WPM increments, between 5 and either 35 or 40 WPM. Each speed transmission may last for 5 minutes, with station identifiers at the beginning, between each group speed, and at the end of each transmission.
Jim Johnston, K6APW, currently provides the text, which comes from obscure and interesting books in the University of California-Berkeley Engineering Library. USB interface hardware and software for generating Morse code from text files are available.
ARRL Headquarters checks submissions for accuracy and issues certificates and endorsements. The W1AW staff determines the 2019 operating schedule, in conjunction with west coast operators.
Contact Jim Michener, K9JM, for further details.