W1AW, NU1AW to be Headquarters Multipliers for the IARU HF Championship
During the IARU HF Championship contest July 13 – 14, the ARRL HQ station will be W1AW/7, on the air from Nevada with Tom Taormina, K5RC, as control operator. IARU International Secretariat Club station NU1AW, which will be on the air from KC1XX in New Hampshire and from K1TTT in Massachusetts, also counts as an HQ station.
Both single and multioperator stations may operate the entire 24-hour period, and stations may operate on phone, on CW, or on both modes. IARU member-society HQ stations send signal report and official IARU member-society abbreviation (e.g., ARRL).
Members of the IARU Administrative Council and the three IARU regional Executive Committees send “AC,” “R1,” “R2,” and “R3,” as appropriate. All other stations send signal report and ITU zone.