W1AW/7 to be on the Air from ARRL Southwestern Division Convention
W1AW/7 will be on the air from the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention (Yuma Hamfest) in Yuma, Arizona (DM22), beginning at 1600 UTC on February 16 and continuing through 0200 UTC on February 18.
Operation will be on phone, CW, and digital modes on all bands through UHF (The station is restricted to 100 W because of its proximity to the Yuma International Airport).
A staff of four control operators experienced in special event station operation will oversee the activity. The list of “celebrity” operators will include Gordon West, WB6NOA; ARRL Southwestern Division Director Dick Norton, N6AA; Vice Director Ned Sterns AA7A, and convention featured speaker Craig McVeay, N0CSM, one of the volunteer Amateur Radio operators deployed to Puerto Rico to assist in hurricane relief.
A video crew from “Ham Nation,” hosted by Bob Heil, K9EID, will cover the activities. — Thanks to Arizona SM Rick Paquette, W7RAP