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Surfin’: Excellence in Websiting


By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor

This week, Surfin’ visits a personal ham radio website that can be a model for other personal websites.

So many new digital ham radio modes have arrived on the scene lately that I thought I lost tracked of what’s what. I figured that some of you readers might be in the same boat, so I sought out a website that sorted out the state of our digital modes circa the last hours of 2011.

What I found was the excellent website of Duffy Beischel, WB8NUT. His comprehensive list and description of digital modes -- from AMTOR to THROB -- includes sample sound bites of each mode to help you recognize them when you hear them on the air. The web page also includes information about digital mode sound card software and the frequencies commonly devoted to the digital modes in the USA.

Also on the digital mode front, Duffy devotes separate web pages to APRS, D-STAR and SDR (Software Defined Radio). Beyond digital, the WB8NUT website includes information about QRP, the local repeater environment (Cincinnati), a blog and WB8NUT himself, along with an assortment of ham radio-related photos.

Duffy’s website is a clean and uncluttered site that is easy to navigate and easy on the eyes. If you want to build a personal website, you will not go wrong using his as a model.

Until next time, Happy New Year and keep on surfin’!

Editor’s note: Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, enjoys the unusual in radio. To contact Stan, send e-mail or add comments to the WA1LOU blog.



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