Register Now for the 2017 Central States VHF Society Conference
Registration is now open for the 2017 Central States VHF Society (CSVHFS) Conference, which is expected to attract VHF/UHF/microwave operators from across the US, Canada, and elsewhere to sunny Albuquerque, New Mexico (DM65) on July 27-30 at the Sheraton Airport Hotel. Lodging information, including the special conference hotel rate and reservation deadline, are on the convention website.
An up-close-and-personal tour of the iconic NRAO Very Large Array (VLA) near Magdalena, New Mexico, has been arranged for Thursday, July 27.
The deadline to submit papers for publication in the Proceedings, or to propose a presentation for this year’s conference, is Monday, June 12. CSVHFS continues its tradition of highlighting experimentation, research, design, and construction within the VHF/UHF/microwave community, and information, contact information, and guidance for all interested in providing papers or posters also is on the conference website.
You do not need to attend or present at the conference for your paper to be published.