Radio Amateurs of Canada Corporate Secretary Sukwan Widajat, VA3WID, SK
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) reports its Corporate Secretary Sukwan Widajat, VA3WID/YB0SWI/AB1XM, has died while in Indonesia, a post he had held since 2015. RAC President Glen MacDonell, VA3XRA, said he always appreciated Widajat’s enthusiasm, eagerness, and helpful recommendations. “We are all volunteers and know that people have other responsibilities, and he was an example of balancing these,” MacDonell said. Widajat was the Vice-President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Pak2000 in Boston. He was first licensed in Indonesia in 1998 and obtained his Canadian license in 2013. He was a DXer, RTTY, and satellite enthusiast. — Thanks to RAC