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Popular “MM” Applications Released for Open-Source Development


Mako Mori, JE3HHT, the author of MMTTY, MMVARI and MMSSTV, has released these applications to open-source development under the LGPL license. This license enables developers and companies to use and integrate MMTTY, MMSSTV and MMVARI, while ensuring that all improvements to source code are made publicly available. MM-Open has been established to encourage and facilitate open source development. Anyone may create public or private branches of these applications. A set of committers will maintain a master branch for each application (the initial committers are Bob, N4HY; Eric, KE5DTO; Oba, JA7UDE, and Steve, N5AC). Packaged versions of MMTTY, MMVARI, and MMSSTV assembled from the master branches will continue to be available from MM Hamsoft. Source code for these applications is available via GitHub, courtesy of FlexRadio. Existing Yahoo Groups will continue to be used to convey defect reports and enhancement requests. — Thanks to Dave Bernstein, AA6YQ, secretary, MM-Open



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