New Section Manager in Southern New Jersey, Eight Incumbents to Continue in Office
Southern New Jersey will have a new Section Manager starting on January 1. No balloting was necessary in the latest Section Manager election cycle, and eight incumbent SMs will begin new 2-year terms on New Year’s Day.
In Southern New Jersey, current Section Emergency Coordinator Tom Preiser, N2XW, of Manahawkin, was the only candidate by the September 7nomination deadline. Incumbent Skip Arey, N2EI, of Beverly, decided not to run for another term after serving since January 2015.
These Section Managers faced no opposition and will continue in their respective offices: Tom Walsh, K1TW (Eastern Massachusetts); Cecil Higgins, AC0HA (Missouri); Matt Anderson, KA0BOJ (Nebraska); Jim Mezey, W2KFV (New York City/Long Island); Thomas Dick, KF2GC (Northern New York); Marc Tarplee, N4UFP (South Carolina); Darrell Davis, KT4WX (West Central Florida), and Joe Shupienis, W3BC (Western Pennsylvania).