New Jersey Club Hosts 2019 Thinking Day On The Air Event
The Jersey Shore Amateur Radio Society (JSARS) on February 16 hosted the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore Council in support of the 2019 Thinking Day On The Air (TDOTA) event. This event is devoted to connecting Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world. The February event marked the first time either group took part. Some 50 Girl Scouts signed up to attend.
Interest within JSARS was strong was well, and 10 operators activated multiple HF, VHF, and UHF bands, using CW and voice, analog, and digital modes. A surprise success was the club’s Fusion repeater, which allowed a mobile Fusion radio in the clubhouse to make contacts in North America and elsewhere around the world. In addition to TDOTA activities, stations were set up by the Girl Scout council for most of the activities to earn the ARRL Radio Patch and possibly inspire some interest in getting licensed.
Both JSARS and the Girls Scout Council considered TDOTA a big success and plan to repeat it again next year.