Indonesian Hams Take Advantage of Satellite for Post-Earthquake Communication
Amateur Radio volunteers in Indonesia have been taking advantage of the LAPAN-ORARI (IO-86) ham satellite in addition to HF on 7.110 MHz as the Lombok area recovers from two recent earthquakes. The death toll now has topped 400. A second powerful earthquake in the area on August 5 killed at least 98 people and seriously injured more than 200 others.
Power in the area has been disrupted, and Kardi Wibisono, YB9KA, and Untung “Adi” Riadi, YB9GV, of the West Nusa Tenggara Region chapter of ORARI, the Indonesian national Amateur Radio organization, have been leading efforts to provide communication to areas lacking cellular coverage. That has included hauling batteries to run repeaters taken down by the power outage. Four repeaters are reported to be operating in the disaster area. ORARI Headquarters has asked for more repeater support from its Bali Island region and issued an official request to help with logistics and additional volunteers in Lombok
In addition to designating the HF National Emergency Frequency of 7.110 MHz, VHF frequencies have been established and the LAPAN-ORARI (IO-86) satellite has been activated to assist with communication. Launched in 2015, IO-86 carries an FM transponder and an APRS digipeater. The Central Java Region of the Indonesian Search and Rescue Council sent in a team headed by to join the national rescue operation in Lombok and ORARI volunteers.
Indonesian President H. Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is YD2JKW. — Thanks to Southgate Amateur Radio News via IARU Region 1; Dani, YB2TJV, and AMSAT News Service