Hamvention® Seeks 2019 Award Nominees
Hamvention® is soliciting nominees for its 2019 awards — Amateur of the Year, Technical Achievement, Special Achievement, Club of the Year. Since the inception of the Hamvention awards program in 1955, many radio amateur have been honored for their dedication and selfless contributions to Amateur Radio and to society.
- The Amateur of the Year Award recognizes a radio amateur who demonstrates a long-term commitment to the advancement of Amateur Radio, a history of contributions to ham radio, and a dedication to service and professionalism.
- The Technical Achievement Award honors a radio amateur who has achieved technical excellence in the world of Amateur Radio through inventions, processes, discoveries, experiments, and technical accomplishments, or through other outstanding technical achievement that has contributed to Amateur Radio.
- The Special Achievement Award goes to a radio amateur who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the radio art and/or science. This award typically recognizes a radio amateur who has spearheaded a single significant project.
- The Club of the Year will be honored for clearly demonstrating its involvement in varied aspects of Amateur Radio for the greater good of their community or the nation.
Nomination forms for each award are available online and should include the information requested. There are separate forms to nominate individuals and to nominate a club. The individual(s) making the nomination should provide contact information in case questions arise.
Submit nominations via email or via USPS mail to Hamvention Awards Committee, Box 964, Dayton, OH 45401-0964.
The nomination deadline is February 15. The Awards Committee will announce the award recipient after reviewing the nominations. An honors convocation will be held on the Saturday evening of Hamvention weekend, and presentations to award winners will take place on Sunday afternoon, prior to the door prize awards.Contact the Awards Committee for more information. — Thanks to Mike Kalter, W8CI, and Frank J. Beafore, WS8B