Ducie Island VP6D DXpedition, Other Pacific Operations on Target
The VP6D Ducie Island DXpedition is set to get under way October 20 and continue until November 3. According to Jacky Calvo, ZL3CW, the equipment, already en route, has been loaded aboard the M/V Braveheart in New Zealand. The Braveheart sets sail for Tahiti in late September, and the team of operators will catch up with the gear in Tahiti to begin their voyage to Ducie Island.
Elsewhere, from September 29 until October 6, Martin Wennergren, A65DC, and friends will operate from Christmas Island as VK9XT. They plan to be on 160 through 10 meters, excluding 60 meters, kicking things off with the CQ World Wide RTTY Contest for the first 48 hours, with SSB and CW on non-contest bands, then CW, SSB, and RTTY on HF, using FT8 “only when no other operation is happening or on bands that are opening or closing,” they’ve said. VK9XT logs will go to LoTW and Club Log.
Stan Vatev, LZ1GC, is heading to Samoa and will be on the air by September 28 as 5W0GC. He’ll meet other operators for the YJ0GC operation from Vanuatu, set to begin on October 15. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. HF operation will concentrate on 160 and 80. More details are on the 5W0GC/YJ0GC website. — Thanks to The Daily DX