Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure 2018 Concludes with 6,000+ Contacts in the Log
The participants in the 2018 Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure (YDXA) at PJ2Y in Curacao put 6,218 contacts into the log before having to shut down on July 23.
“There was a concentrated effort to have an FT8 station on the air as much as possible,” recounted Team Leader Jim Storms, AB8YK. “Also two additional radios were on the air almost constantly. One was on SSB and the other alternated between SSB and CCW. All CW QSOs were made by the youth.”
Storms reported “a few challenges” during their stay. “During prime band-opening time on 2 days, we had power losses resulting in lost time. This amounted to about 8 hours,” he said. On days when the young radio amateurs were on the air, bands did not open until about 10 AM local, and the team typically operated until midnight, when most bands closed there. Storms said the young team members were “very compatible and worked extremely well together.”
A QSL card will be designed and printed soon. The entire log has been loaded to LoTW and to Club Log. — Thanks to Team Leader Jim Storms, AB8YK