Central States VHF Society Soliciting Papers, Presentations, and Poster Displays
The Central States VHF Society (CSVHFS) is soliciting papers, presentations, and poster displays for the 53rd annual CSVHFS Conference, July 25 – 27, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Topics may include all aspects of weak-signal VHF and higher Amateur Radio activities are welcome. You do not have to attend the conference or to present in order to have it included in the conference Proceedings.
Topics of interest include antennas, low-noise preamps, construction, RF amplifiers, propagation, test equipment, regulatory topics, Earth-Moon-Earth, operating, digital signal processing, software-defined radio, and digital modes.
Submit papers for the Proceedings to Kent Britain, WA5VJB, no later than May 12. Coordinate presentations and posters with Donn Baker, WA2VOI, no later than June 2. For more information, visit the CSVHFS website (“Guidance for Proceedings Authors,” “Guidance for Presenters,” and “Guidance for Table-Top/Poster Displays”).