Bouvet Island — So Near, Yet So Far Away
The 3Y0Z Bouvet Island DXpedition team now at anchor off Bouvet Island, but weather and sea conditions have not resolved to the point where the team can begin transporting equipment and personnel to the barren and icy piece of real estate.
“Our ship is still at anchor off the east side of Bouvet,” Team Co-Leader Ralph Fedor, K0IR, reported earlier today (February 1). “Winds are 35 to 40 knots, and the ship is pitching and rolling up to 30°. This makes flying and a landing attempt impossible today.” The DXpedition team is “poised and ready when a weather window opens,” Fedor said.
“We had our maritime mobile station up for a few hours, but had to take it down again to avoid damage caused by the extreme motion of the ship. Hang in there with us!”
The 3Y0Z team took advantage of the delay to check out the shelter components, erecting one of the 10 × 12 shelters in the spacious hold of the Betanzos. The temperature is hovering around the freezing point, Fedor reported, winds subsequently have been reported in the range of 60 to 80 MPH