ARRL Raises Amateur Radio’s Profile at 2018 National Association of Broadcasters Convention
Radio amateurs were among the global visitors signing in at the ARRL booth during the 2018 National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas April 7 – 12. Attendees came from countries across the world, including Australia, South Korea, Israel, Norway, Canada, England, Ireland, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Belgium, Tanzania, Greenland, the US Virgin Islands, Poland, South Africa, Bulgaria, and Spain.
Managing the ARRL booth was Nevada Section Manager John Bigley, N7UR, with volunteers from various Nevada Amateur Radio groups. ARRL Second Vice President Bob Vallio, W6RGG, and East Bay Section Manager-Elect Jim Siemons, AF6PU, were also on hand to assist.
At the booth, visitors were able to get help with licensing, renewing their ARRL memberships, accessing ARRL services and programs, and locating classes and examination sites. League members also discussed issues important to their personal enjoyment of Amateur Radio. NAB sponsors a traditional Amateur Radio reception at its annual convention, which attracts more than 100,000 visitors.