ARRL November Sweepstakes CW 2018 Log Count Tops Last Year’s
ARRL Contest Branch Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, says the 1,273 electronic logs plus 17 paper logs received by November 15 for this year’s ARRL November Sweepstakes CW weekend surpass last year’s log count by more than a dozen (the 7-day deadline for electronic logs ended November 12, but paper logs postmarked by the deadline are still arriving).
Now it’s time for SS Phone. Jahnke stresses that SS Phone logs are due within 7 days after the event ends, by 0259 UTC on November 26. “As our updated processes have results and awards on a much faster track these days, watch for preliminary results announcements targeted before year end for CW, Phone or perhaps even both,” he said.
Meanwhile, on the eve of the ARRL November Sweepstakes (SS) phone weekend, SS CW scores posted on 3830 suggest that the US Virgin Islands was the rarest section, due to damage suffered in last year’s hurricanes.
The ARRL Contest Update for November 14 reports that Tony Kazmakites, N2TK, and Steve Strauss, NY3B, traveled to KP2M for the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. They reported, “Lots of damage still apparent on St. Croix, and at KP2M we only had one usable tower after significant damage to the station from last year’s storms.” — Thanks to The ARRL Contest Update; Contest Branch Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ