ARRL Executive Committee Recommends Small Addition to Articles of Association
At its October 20 meeting, the ARRL Executive Committee voted to recommend to the full Board of Directors an addition to Article 1 of the Articles of Association of the ARRL, per requirements of the Connecticut Secretary of the State. The minor addition is necessary to bring the Articles into alignment with Connecticut state statutes.
The requirement would add the sentence, “The Corporation is nonprofit and shall not have or issue shares of stock or make distributions,” at the end of Article 1. If the full ARRL Board of Directors adopts the Executive Committee’s recommendation at its January 18 – 19, 2019, meeting, Article 1 of the ARRL Articles of Association would then read:
Article 1: The name of our corporation shall be The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. It may be informally referred to as ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio. Our corporation commenced its corporate existence as The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated, when its Articles of Association were approved by the Secretary of the State of Connecticut on January 29, 1915. The original Articles of Association were subscribed by Hiram Percy Maxim, Clarence D. Tuska, and Lawrence A. Howard. The affairs of the corporation have since that time been continuously governed by a Board of Directors selected by the membership. The Corporation is nonprofit and shall not have or issue shares of stock or make distributions.