ARISS Offering Online Information Session for Prospective 2017 Contact Hosts
The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program coordinator will offer an online information session on March 10 at 7 PM ET for schools and organizations interested in hosting an Amateur Radio contact with a member of the International Space Station crew. The hour-long session is aimed at providing additional details regarding US ARISS contacts and the proposal process. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. Advance registration is required. Contact ARISS to sign up.
Prospective ARISS contact sponsors are not required to attend an online information session, but they are strongly encouraged to do so.
The US ARISS contact proposal window will remain open until April 15. ARISS is seeking formal and informal educational institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host an Amateur Radio contact with an ISS crew member between January 1 and June 30, 2017. ARISS is looking for organizations that have the potential to draw large numbers of participants and can integrate the contact into a well-developed educational plan.
Details on expectations, audience, proposal guidelines, and proposal form, and dates and times of information sessions are on the ARRL website. E-mail ARISS with any questions.