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American Legion Takes to the Airwaves to Salute Veterans


Members of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) will honor their fellow veterans in a special on-the-air tribute on Veterans Day, Monday, November 11. TALARC will operate on 20 meters, IRLP, 2 meter simplex and a Central Indiana repeater from 9 AM through 5 PM Eastern Time (1300-2200 UTC), using special event call sign W9L. Anyone contacting the station is eligible to receive an attractive, full-color commemorative certificate.

“Our purpose is to underscore the importance of Veterans Day via the Amateur Radio community, to salute the men and women who have served our country honorably in uniform, and to recognize the contributions of so many military personnel who served as radio technicians, engineers and members of MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio System), passing messages from war zones, at sea, and from other overseas locations to loved ones back home,” said TALARC President Marty Justis, W9WMJ. “Were it not for MARS members and radio amateurs back home who relayed radio messages to family and friends in those pre-Internet and pre-e-mail days, hearing the voice of a loved one would have been impossible. It truly meant a lot to us.”

W9L will operate on or about 14.275 MHz, IRLP Node 4816, or, in Central Indiana on 146.46 MHz simplex or the 145.17 MHz repeater in Hamilton County. SWLs may participate and are eligible for a certificate.

Many Americans who received calls from a family member serving in Korea or Vietnam may remember being instructed to say “Over” to let the relay operator know to switch the transmitter off and receiver on to hear the overseas serviceperson’s voice.

“While the Internet has changed much of that, Amateur Radio today still assists communities in many ways, primarily serving as the quickest and most effective means of communications ‘when all else fails,’” Justis said. “Today, many of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club’s 1500 members are committed to emergency preparedness as well as promoting the hobby, art, and science of Amateur Radio to young and old alike.”

To receive a certificate for working W9L, send a 9 ×12 self-addressed, stamped envelope to The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, 700 N Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46204. — Thanks to Joe March, KJ9M






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