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Remote reading of Gas Meters Aug 31st 2011, 13:54 3 10,474 on 13/12/14

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Remote reading of Gas Meters W8NGA on 13/12/14
I just ran across my post from 3 years ago and I am happy to say that I have not heard anything from the remote reading device installed on my gas meter.

Greg W8NGA
Remote reading of Gas Meters W8NGA on 31/8/11
Yesterday, I received an post card in the mail that informed me that my local gas company (Columbia Gas of Ohio) is installing an device on the gas meters in my neighborhood that allows them to read my meter just by driving down the road. I am wondering if anyone else has had this device installed and has it's transmitted signal interfered with their ham receivers? I operate 160 through 2 meters as well as 70 cm. Also, I assume that this device would have to transmit its data every few seconds or does it have a receiver in it so that it only transmit when their truck is driving down my street?

Greg W8NGA
Grove City, Ohio

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