Basic EmComm Course
When will the revised Amateur Radio EmComm Level 1 online course be available?-
The New Basic EmComm course will be available Soon. EC-001 is discontinued.
Do I need to take the new course if I have taken an older version of the course?+
The EC-001 and EC-016 Courses will still be recognized but with any training the new courses will become the standard. Therefore taking the new courses will eventually be recommended.
Classes & Exams
Field instruction for the new Introduction to Emergency Communication course can be offered by ARRL registered Emergency Communications Field Instructors (FIs). ARRL instructors will be scheduling classes and listing those opportunities in our website database where you will be able to search for sessions being offered in your community. If there is no listing for a class in your local area you might contact a local amateur radio club to find out if a class is planned.
to find an Emcomm class or exam.
Are there ARRL EmComm Field Instructors (FIs) in my area who might conduct a training class? +
Use the FI search to find an authorized ARRL Field Instructor in your area.
Use the FE search to find an authorized Field Examiner in your area.
How do I get a record of ARRL Emergency Communications (AREC) courses I have completed previously? -
If you are an ARRL member you can access your student information in our database at Student Course History. You’ll see our record of online courses you’ve completed with the Continuing Education Program and you’ll be able to print another copy of any of your course completion certificate(s).
I took an ARRL ARECC field exam. How do I get a course completion certificate? +
ARRL Field Examiners (FEs) forward the exam session paperwork to the ARRL to record it into our database. If you have provided an e-mail address on your exam registration, you will receive an e-mail notifying you of successful course completion when we receive the field exam packet in the Continuing Education Program office. The e-mail will include a link to your Student Course History page where you can download and print a certificate. Or, you can wait to receive a certificate via regular mail in 4-6 weeks.
I’m already an EmComm online course Mentor, how do the changes in the training program affect me?-
Requirements for online mentors are the following:
- Completion of ARRL's Basic, Intermediate and Advanced EmComm Courses
- Completion of FEMA IS-100,200, 700 and 800
- 18 years old or older
- Technician class license or higher
- ARRL member
- Recommendation of Section Manager
- In addition, online mentors must complete a familiarization course which provides an orientation for giving instruction in the online environment.
If you have previously served as an online Mentor for ARRL EmComm online courses you will need to complete a new application with the ARRL Continuing Education Program documenting these requirements. We will provide an opportunity for you to review the new course before accepting students. If you are new to online mentoring you must also apply to document the requirements for this role. Once the new course and course platform is active we will develop a new familiarization course to provide you with orientation before we enlist you to accept students.
Please Note: Work with the Emergency Managmentment Department at ARRL headquarters to work thru this process. We can assist in making this a smooth process.
- Completion of ARRL's Basic, Intermediate and Advanced EmComm Courses
I’m already an EmComm Field Instructor, how do the changes in the training program affect me?+
As above, please refer to the revised requirements communicated by Mike Corey W5MPC on December 23, 2010. To review that communication click here.
New requirements are the following:
- Completion of ARRL's Basic, Intermediate and Advanced EmComm Courses
- Completion of FEMA IS-100, 200, 700 and 800
- 18 years old or older
- Technician class license or higher
- ARRL member
- Recommendation of Section Manager
If you have previously served as an EmComm Field Instructor you will need to complete a new application with the ARRL Continuing Education Program documenting these requirements. We will provide an opportunity for you to review the new course before accepting students. If you are new to EmComm Field Instruction you must also apply to document the requirements.
Please note: Work with the ARRL Headquarters Emergency Management Staff to assist in a smooth process as we transition to the new courses.
- Completion of ARRL's Basic, Intermediate and Advanced EmComm Courses
I’m already an EmComm Field Examiner, how do the recent changes affect me?+
As an EmComm Field Examiner, you must cease giving field exams after 4/1/24.
How do I apply to be an EmComm Field Examiner (FE)?+
Check back for updates
How do I apply to be an EmComm Field Instructor (FI) or EmComm Mentor?+
Check back for updates
ARES Leadership
Who should take this course? -
This course is designed to train licensed Amateur Radio operators who will be in leadership and managerial roles organizing other volunteers to support public service activities and communications emergencies. If you are currently serving in a leadership role in your local ARES organization or are training to assume more management responsibility, you should take this course. Check with your SEC if you have any question about the appropriateness of the course for you in your role. The pre-requisites are substantial and can be completed over time as can this course which is open with no prescribed time period for completion. You’ll need to ask your Section Manager for a recommendation when you apply to take the final assessment. You can ask your SEC or DEC to make this request of the Section Manager on your behalf. To learn more about the pre-requisites and applicaiotn process for the final assessment go to
Once the Leadership course is in the ARRL Learning Center it will be available to apply for.
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