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75 Meter RFI Problems Nov 4th 2011, 05:28 2 8,895 on 28/12/11

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75 Meter RFI Problems 0007198784H80 on 4/11/11
I have recently encored strong interference from what I believe to be and outside source of RFI. I also notice this on my AM broadcast AM radio. IT seems to peak around 3.9 MHZ but can be pick with less intensity a various apparently unrelated frequencies into the 80meter portion of the band. This is reading about 20 to 25 DB over nine on a Kenwood TS-850S Transeiver using a shortened inverted V for and antenna. I also pick this up on my beam on the same band and appears omni-directionsl. Does any of the Cable TV networks operate in the range anymore? Any siggestions would be appreciated before I go to the utility company. I have tried turning off various lights, etc in the house to no avail. Also using a dummy load it completely goes away.

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