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How likely am I to cause RFI to Direct TV connected to Digital TV sets on 40 meters? Jul 12th 2020, 20:55 2 6,872 on 14/7/20

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DirecTV RFI on 40M K4DER on 12/7/20
Did either of you file a complaint about the Direct TV's lack of shielding on their box with Direct TV? Maybe if they started getting complaints from enough hams, they would shield their boxes.
How likely am I to cause RFI to Direct TV connected to Digital TV sets on 40 meters? WB6WUW on 12/7/20
Years ago I had an inverted V on my 38' foot tower for 40 meters. The tower is located15' from my property line and my neighbor's house is about 10' from his. When I first put up the inverted V in the 1980's, I put a high-pass filter on his NTSC's input and toroids on his cable and it solved the problem until he decided to add a second story to his house and run Direct TV cable through the wall for most of the cables length. He also removed the afore mention TVI devices at that time. From that point forward, I stopped using the 40-meter antenna to avoid conflict. That was in the late 90's. Since then he has switched to digital TVs. If I were to put up a new 40-meter inverted V, what is the likelihood that I would again have TVI problems?

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