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G5RV to Remote Auto Tuner Apr 14th 2014, 18:47 4 10,326 on 14/4/14

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G5RV to Remote Auto Tuner KD5DRY on 14/4/14
Thank you VERY much. MFJ makes this claim on their auto tuner: "The MFJ-993BRT handles 300 Watts SSB/CWpower level and matches 6-1600 Ohm antennas. The MFJ-993BRT lets you tune any antenna automatically balanced or unbalanced -- extra fast. It’s a comprehensive antenna tuning center."

What do you think? I may give that a try. The G5RV antenna I am looking at has a 1-1 current balun at the end of the ladder line that eventually connects into the 50 ohm coax. Or do you think I should get a G5RV without a balun? Really appreciate your assistance. Warren
G5RV to Remote Auto Tuner KD5DRY on 14/4/14
I want to run the ladder line from a G5RV into a remote auto tuner. I am confused as what auto tuner would work for that and whether the auto tuner must be a balanced auto tuner. Also, some G5RVs come with a 1-1 current balun already installed. Should I get a G5RV that does not have a balun to run the ladder line into the auto tuner or is it okay just to connect the balun to the balanced auto tuner? Thanks very much. Warren

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