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Mobile Radios Feb 9th 2021, 10:19 5 5,993 on 17/2/21

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Mobile Radios commstech1 on 17/2/21
Thanks Zak. Seems like a tall order but what the hey.
Mobile Radios commstech1 on 16/2/21
Great info Glenn. I really appreciate your response. Can you study and test for both or is there a waiting period to test for the general after passing the technicians?
Mobile Radios commstech1 on 9/2/21
Hi everyone!!

I'm a newbie to the Ham world. Currently studying for my technicians test but wanted to ask about mobile transceivers. My friends and I currently use a couple of Baofengs GT-3 to learn from but I was wanting to know if a mobile transceiver can be used with the portables as a repeater. We go to north florida on some land where I was thinking I could place the truck centrally and therefore extend my portables reach using the transceiver. Forgive me if the question is absurd. Like I said, I'm and excited about the possibilities. Thanks

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