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2m/70cm Vertical antennas Apr 16th 2016, 02:41 3 6,818 on 1/5/16
Help with first antenna mounting Jan 26th 2016, 23:53 4 5,710 on 27/1/16

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2m/70cm Vertical antennas KG5GJT on 1/5/16
K6AAN thanks for the advice. The X-300a is one I have been researching. My antenna will end up mounted around 25'-30' so I am sure I could expect similar results from the antenna.
2m/70cm Vertical antennas KG5GJT on 16/4/16
I am putting together a 2m/70cm base station and I am looking for suggestions on a comerical vertical antenna. Any advise such as brand and model suggestions would be great.
Help with first antenna mounting KG5GJT on 27/1/16
Zack W1VT. In regards to the radials on a vertical antenna would the radials being 4 to 6 inches above roof shingles. Would that cause a potential reception or safety problem?
Help with first antenna mounting KG5GJT on 27/1/16
Thanks for the advice. So I should try the type of antenna you recommend first and if it's not an issue invest in the vertical antenna I first mentioned?
Help with first antenna mounting KG5GJT on 26/1/16
I am new to ham radios and researching what type of antenna to use for my first radio set up and what my mounting options are. I have limited room due to being in an urban neighborhood, lot size, house size, power lines and utility lines. I think I have decided on a Cushcraft R-9 or a R-8 if the R-9 is too large. One of my only mounting options would be a wall mount in a decked and walled area cut into my roof line. The bottom of the antenna mount would be at approximately 29 feet above the ground. The bottom of the antenna mount would be approximately 5 feet above where my two Trane A/C units are mounted to the deck. The Antenna would be about 4 feet horizontally from the edge of one of the A/C units, but 5 feet above that vertically. If mounted where I am planning the first set of radials would end up approximately 6 to 7 feet vertical feet above the top of the A/C unit and 4 to 6 inches above where my roof shingles are. The first set of radials are 49 inches in length are located at the matching network of the antenna.
I have two specific questions about this mounting option.
Would mounting the antenna near the two A/C units cause an RFI problem or cause a problem with the operation of the antenna?
Is there a problem with the first set of radials being located 4 to 6 inches above roof shingles?
I don't want to mount the antenna where it will defiantly cause a problem or not work well. Any input or advise would be greatly appreciated.

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