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LoTW still matching VUCC SATELLITE QSOs erroneously Jul 23rd 2017, 07:52 3 12,365 on 2/9/17

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LoTW still matching VUCC SATELLITE QSOs erroneously py2rn on 2/9/17
Thanks Bob for your answer but this is not a question it is a statement/information and ARRL needs help with LoTW. 73 Ed PY2RN.
LOTW Complaints W4RIG on 23/7/17
Several stations that does not specify Propagation Mode = SATELLITE and upload their log to LoTW it will match as a terrestrial / point to point QSO (LoTW shouldn't match, but it does), even if the other station has specified Propagation Mode = Satellite. This mostly happen due the incompatibility of ADIF data between, eQSL, ClubLog, etc which does not contemplate Propagation Mode field and operators use their generated ADIF files to upload to LoTW. The way it is now VUCC via LoTW trust got seriously compromised.
LOTW Complaints W4RIG on 23/7/17
FT8 when it will be implemented in TQSL?

LoTW still matching VUCC SATELLITE QSOs erroneously py2rn on 23/7/17
Several stations that does not specify Propagation Mode = SATELLITE and upload their log to LoTW it will match as a terrestrial / point to point QSO (LoTW shouldn't match, but it does), even if the other station has specified Propagation Mode = Satellite. This mostly happen due the incompatibility of ADIF data between, eQSL, ClubLog, etc which does not contemplate Propagation Mode field and operators use their generated ADIF files to upload to LoTW. The way it is now VUCC via LoTW trust got seriously compromised.

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