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FT-8 and Icom IC-7000

Jan 28th 2024, 19:47


Joined: Nov 4th 2020, 17:22
Total Topics: 0
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I was trying to get into operating on FT-8 after re-reading an article in the Jul/Aug 2022 of OTA. I am quite inexperienced in operating so any help is appreciated. On the 10 meter band I can hear what sounds like FT-8 signals as described in the article ("trilling musical tones lasting about 13 seconds). My problem is that while I can hear the signals from the radio speaker, I cannot see any contacts or decode anything on my PC running WSJT-X v2.6.1 although the software does control the radio.
My modest equipment is:
Icom IC-7000 set to 28.074 MHz USB
AEcreative USB CAT CI-V CT-17 Remote Control Interface Cable
Quad band mobile antenna TC-8900
Diamond MX-62M Duplexer

If the problem is due to the location of my antenna, (on my back porch, not in a tree or on a post) I understand. I am not expecting miracles from my setup, but my thought was "If I can hear the signals why doesn't my PC show them?" It is also possible what I am hearing are not actually FT-8 signals, just sound like the description.

I have also re-synced the clock in my PC as recommended but no change.

Thanks in advance,
Walt Sisson KC1WWS

Update 2-2-2024
I figured out that I need to take my radio speaker out and connect to my PC mic in. Getting many hits now. I just need to figure out how to connect my PC to the radio to send.

Update 2-13-2024
After a lot of fruitless searching I finally found out about a product called "Digimode". I ordered one and now everything works.
I see there were nearly 180 views of this post and yet no one offered any help. If this update helps anyone I am glad, but disappointed no one in this community bothered to help me.

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