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Find an Amateur Radio License Class

Garland TX 75040-5608



Start/End Dates: 10/28/2025 - 12/02/2025
Times: 6:30pm until 9pm for 6 Tuesday Nights in a row
# of Sessions: 6
Class level: General
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: No
Fee: $15 Donation
Pre Study required: No
Class Type: Traditional
Exam offered: No
Sponsoring Club/Organization: K5QHD Garland Amateur Radio Club
Instructor: KF5FWK
Contact: John Abbott KF5FWK
Phone: (972) 494-9533
Location: West Side of the Fire Station near the HAM tower
1027B Austin Street
Garland, TX 75040-5608
Additional Information: This is the second FCC Amateur Radio Service License. If you do not have the large blue ARRL General manual (ARRL General Class License Manual 10th Edition (Spiral Bound)) you may get one from your instructor at the start of class for a $35 donation. You may order a manual from the ARRL ( You may purchase a manual from Ham Radio Outlet at 701 E. Plano Parkway, Suite 406, Plano, TX 75074. The class itself is a $15 donation. Totaling a suggested $50.00 donation for this class. You may pay by cash or check. Checks can be made payable to the Garland Amateur Radio Club or GARC. Please Note: The doors open at 6:30pm and students should be in their seats by 7:00pm. Exams will be at Freeman Heights Baptist Church at 10am Saturday morning on December 6, 2025.



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