InterCity Amateur Radio Club

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- InterCity Amateur Radio Club
- Call Sign:
- W8WE
- Contact:
- Wesley D. Lord N0MRB
- Daytime Phone:
- (440) 376-5746
- Evening Phone:
- (440) 376-5746
- Email:
Basic Information
- ARRL Special Service Club
- Call Sign:
- W8WE
- Annual Report:
- Jan 14th 2025
- Meeting Time:
- 1st Friday of each Month (except July & August) at 7:00 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Boy Scout building - Lexington, Ohio
- Section:
- OH
- Affiliation Date:
- Mar 10th 1935
- Specialties:
- Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Club Newsletter, Entry-Level License Classes, General Or Higher License Classes, Hamfest, License Test Sessions, Mentor, On-The-Air Bulletins, Repeater
- Description:
The IARC is a family oriented club and has activities for all ages interested in Amateur Radio.
We have a monthly award winning newsletter that is sent out to the membership once a month, as well as a very active website and Facebook page
We are very involved with Skywarn and emergency communications in our area and have a great personal relationship with our local EMA as well as our Cleveland Weather Office. Our county commissioners and local mayors come visit with us occasionally at our club meetings and Field Day exercises. Our county EMA Director is also a club member, and we have a fully equipped Amateur Radio station within the EMA.
We have a great presence in the community and we are involved with many Mansfield parades and bike-a-thons as well as helping our neighbors to the adjacent counties with events that they have as well. One of our biggest parades that we do is the “Miss Ohio†parade. This is sponsored by the Mansfield Greater Business Association and the City of Mansfield. We have been invited to this event for more than twenty-five years now.
Our ARES District 6 group that the club supports is "On-Call" through the winter seasons with their "Angels in the Four-wheeled Drives" to help transport hospital staff to and from their homes. This has been a real boost for our ARES as well as our club to have this great working relationship with our local hospital network. Mansfield has two great hospital networks and we offer this service to both. With that, both hospital organizations have now installed Amateur Radio equipment in their facility. We also help them with communications during their disaster drills on a regular basis.
We do have an active Entry-Level Amateur Radio Class each year. We also do ARRL License testing once every quarter as well.Â
We have "tech night" on a routine basis so that Amateurs in the area can bring their radios in and be tested on our spectrum analyzer.
Our monthly meetings have great technical and fun presentations. We have a variety of interests within our club so we strive to have a great layout of presentations that will appeal to everyone, whether technical in nature or just for fun. We have guest speakers come in and we’ve even held several “Skype†sessions with prominent speakers.
We do have a presence within our local Boy Scouts and Girl Scouting programs here in the Mansfield area. We help the scouts by doing presentations as well as Scouting Jamboree each year. We encourage youth to get their license and we also promote GOTA not only at our Field Day exercises but also at our regular club meetings.
We encourage the public to come and attend our meetings and functions. Our goal is to get the job done, but have fun too.Â
- Links:
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 30
- Voting Members:
- 30
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 29
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 21
InterCity Amateur Radio Club Officers
Contact, Editor
Wesley D. Lord N0MRB -
Danny L. Bailey W8DLB -
Barbara L. Meadows W8BLM -
Vice President
Duane A. Meadows K8MDA
SSC Certificate (1.3 MB)